All posts by Stephanie Port

girl smiling with braces

The 5 Stages of Getting & Wearing Braces

If you’re thinking of visiting an orthodontist in West Seattle or Burien to improve your smile with braces, you may be wondering what the whole orthodontic process is all about. Here is a run-down of the five basic steps of getting braces and wearing them so you have a good idea of what to expect.


  1. The Initial Consultation

During your first visit with our Seattle orthodontist, we will examine your teeth and bite to determine whether or not you could benefit from wearing braces. During this visit, we get the opportunity to get to know you and your orthodontic goals better while you become familiar with Dr. Peralta and our incredible team! We will show you before and after photos of patients that we treated with similar orthodontic needs so you can see how your treatment can transform your smile.


  1. Getting Your Braces Put On

The second stage of the orthodontic process involves putting the braces on your teeth. It doesn’t hurt to have braces placed on your teeth but it does take time as we have to prep your teeth for the brackets, carefully position a bracket on each individual tooth and then run the archwire through the brackets and tighten things up!


  1. Wearing Your Braces

Once we’ve placed the braces on your teeth, we will give you some braces care instructions which include a list of braces-busting foods you should not eat like hard, sticky and gooey foods. We’ll also show you how to brush and floss while wearing braces, which can seem a bit overwhelming at first. However, with a little practice, soon you’ll become a pro at cleaning your teeth when they’re covered with brackets and wires! You will have to visit us every month to have your braces tightened but these adjustment appointments are generally quick and easy!


  1. Getting Your Braces Off

You will probably be full of anticipation for your “debanding appointment” when we will remove the braces from your teeth so you can finally see how amazing your new smile looks without all that hardware blocking your view! It takes us about an hour to remove your braces before you can leave our office and show the world your incredible smile!


  1. Retention

We will make a retainer for you which you will need to wear in order to keep your teeth in their new position. Your retainer is to be worn 24/7 except when you’re eating or drinking anything other than water. To avoid having to undergo the orthodontic process all over again, it’s imperative that you wear your retainer as directed so you shouldn’t just toss your retainer in a drawer and forget all about it!
That’s the entire orthodontic process in a nutshell! If at any time during your treatment you have any questions or concerns, just contact us as we’re always more than happy to talk with you!

invisalign preferred provider 2016

Dr. Peralta Is A 2016 Preferred Invisalign Provider In Seattle!

The team at Peralta Orthodontics is proud to announce that Dr. Peralta has been named a 2016 Invisalign Preferred Provider. This distinction means that our Burien and West Seattle orthodontist, who has been trained and certified by Invisalign, has a proven record of successfully treating patients with the innovative Invisalign System. For those of you who may not know, Invisalign has become a very popular treatment method of choice among teenagers and adults who wish to improve their smiles conveniently and discreetly.


How Does Invisalign Work?


Improving a smile with Invisalign consists of providing the patient with a series of finely calibrated, clear removable aligner trays which fit snugly over the teeth. Each set of aligners is worn for approximately two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series and so on until all the aligners have been used and the teeth are in the optimum final position that has been carefully planned out by Dr. Peralta. Because the aligners are removable, there are no food restrictions to deal with nor any need to worry about not being able to thoroughly clean the teeth during treatment because the aligners are simply removed when eating and when brushing and flossing.


Dr. Peralta’s experience and expertise in using Invisalign successfully is just one more reason why our practice is considered the place to go for excellent orthodontic treatment in the West Seattle area!


Are You A Good Candidate for Invisalign?


If you are interested in improving your smile discreetly and conveniently without having to wear conventional metal braces, Invisalign may be a good treatment method for you. However, even though Invisalign can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic problems and issues, this treatment method is not right for everyone. For example, Invisalign is a not a good option for treating people with severely crooked teeth or rotated teeth, teeth that are severely tipped or for those with large spaces between teeth.


When you schedule a complimentary consultation with us, once Dr. Peralta has provided you with a thorough examination, he will let you know if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Simply request your appointment today to find out if you can enjoy all the many benefits that come with improving your smile using Invisalign. We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you achieve your dream smile so you can smile with complete confidence knowing your teeth look great!

woman covering mouth

3 Myths About Orthodontics & Braces Busted

Unfortunately, some people who could benefit from orthodontic treatment never make appointments with a West Seattle orthodontist because they believe one or more of the many myths about orthodontic care that have been around seemingly forever. That’s why we’d like to bust some of these myths so you’re well-informed and know the truth. Here are three of the most popular myths circulating about orthodontic care along with the facts.


Myth #1: Bulky Metal Braces Are The Only Option for Straightening Teeth


Fact: While metal braces are still the most common type of braces used, today there are many different types of orthodontic appliances from which to choose. Our Seattle orthodontic practice offers patients many choices in orthodontic appliances including:


  • Conventional stainless steel braces
  • Clear ceramic braces
  • Lingual or “hidden braces”
  • Invisalign clear removable aligners
  • Invisalign Teen

Myth #2: Any General Dentist Can Provide Me With Braces


Fact: General dentists are trained to diagnose and treat infections, tooth decay, impactions, chips and other restorative issues which is great for taking care of your day-to-day dental needs. A general dentist is also the dental professional to see for making sure your teeth and gums are healthy by providing you with routine checkups and cleanings. While many general dentists offer orthodontic treatment, it is always best to see an orthodontist if you need to perfect your smile or bite with orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists receive specialized orthodontic training once they’ve finished dental school which teaches them how to precisely and accurately realign teeth and jaws.


Myth # 3: Only Kids See Orthodontists to Straighten their Teeth


Fact: This myth is one that needs to be busted once and for all because nothing could be further from the truth! Today, nearly half of all orthodontic patients are adults. There are many reasons why so many adults are seeking orthodontic care including the fact that there are now many types of orthodontic appliances which are perfect for adults like clear aligners and transparent braces which are very discreet and effective at moving teeth swiftly and comfortably.



If you have any questions about orthodontic treatment, please feel free to contact us as we’re always more than happy to speak with you! If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Peralta to find out how you could benefit from orthodontic treatment, please complete the Appointment Request form. We look forward to meeting you soon and helping you achieve your most incredible smile!

girl with braces wearing backpack

Back To School Orthodontic Reminders

Now that the 2016-17 school year is right around the corner, many of the patients we see at our Burien and West Seattle orthodontic offices will be heading back to the classroom. Making the transition from summer time fun and freedom to the structured environment of school can be challenging, and even more so if you are heading back to school wearing braces. Here are a few friendly reminders that can make it easier to adjust to wearing braces while at school!


  1. Don’t Forget About Your Food Restrictions

It is really tempting to head to the nearest vending machine at break time to grab a sticky candy bar. That’s why you should always make sure that you have some braces-friendly snacks on hand that won’t bust your braces. It’s a good idea to pack your own snacks like cut up soft fruits, yogurt, grapes or applesauce so you don’t give in to the temptation of eating something you shouldn’t.


  1. Be Sure To Brush After Lunch

It can be easy to forget all about your oral hygiene when you’re so busy with school. But you need to brush your teeth after lunch to help protect your teeth from decay. Therefore, be sure to carry your toothbrush and toothpaste along with you so you can duck into a bathroom after eating to brush and floss. it’s also a good idea to take along some dental wax just in case a part of your braces causes you irritation like a poking wire.


  1. Protect Your Teeth and Braces When Playing Sports

You should always wear a protective mouthguard that fits over your braces whenever you play sports or take part in any activity that puts you at risk for a facial or mouth injury. Every morning before heading out the door, make sure your mouthguard is packed in your bag or backpack so you can pop it when you’re gearing up to hit the field or court.


  1. Don’t Skip Your Adjustment Appointments

Even though your schedule will be filled with classes, sports and free-time activities of all types, you still need to make sure you come to all your adjustment appointments. These appointments are key to keeping your treatment on track. If something unexpected happens and you absolutely must miss an appointment, call our office right away so we can reschedule.


Dr. Peralta and his amazing Seattle orthodontics team at Peralta Orthodontics would like to wish all our school-aged patients the best of luck in the upcoming school year! We hope these tips come in helpful for adjusting to wearing braces while in school. Just remember that before you know it, your braces will come off to reveal the straight, beautiful and healthy smile you’ve been dreaming of!

mother and daughter with braces smiling

Invisalign Teen vs. Braces: Which is Right For Your Teenager?

As a West Seattle orthodontist that offers his patients many choices in orthodontic appliances, Dr. Peralta offers teenagers orthodontic treatment using several types of appliances including conventional metal braces and Invisalign Teen clear aligners.


If your teenager is about to undergo orthodontic treatment and is trying to decide between wearing regular braces or Invisalign Teen, we can help you and your teenager decide which to choose.


Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen consists of a series of clear, removable aligners which move teeth gradually step by step until they’re in the optimal positions. Treatment with Invisalign Teen is very convenient and discreet. Your teenager can remove the aligners when eating & drinking and when brushing & flossing. Invisalign Teen may be right for your teenager if:


  • Your teen presents with a relatively less complex case wants to improve his/her smile very discreetly
  • Your child wants to continue enjoying his or her favorite foods during treatment
  • Your teen would appreciate being able to easily maintain good oral hygiene during treatment by simply removing the aligners when brushing & flossing
  • Your teen is trustworthy and responsible enough to be 100% compliant with wearing the aligners as directed
  • Your teen leads a busy lifestyle and would benefit from the fewer required appointments and no adjustment appointments



Conventional metal braces are made of high grade stainless steel. These braces consist of brackets that are bonded to the teeth for the duration of the treatment process with a wire running through the brackets. Conventional metal braces may be right for your teen if:


  • Your teen presents with a relatively more complex case and wouldn’t mind wearing visible braces
  • Your teen is willing to avoid eating braces-busting foods like hard, crunchy and sticky food for the duration of the treatment process 
  • Your teen is willing to invest more time and effort in maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing their teeth very well every day
  • If you have doubts about your teen being 100% compliant regarding wearing removable aligners for the required 22 hours each day
  • Your teenager has the time and commitment to come to our office for all schedule adjustment appointments


Hopefully, this information has helped you and your teen decide which treatment option to ask Dr. Peralta for during your teen’s first visit with us. Once Dr. Peralta has provided your teen with an oral exam, he will sit down with you and your child to discuss his findings. He will then let your teenager know what types of appliances he or she may be able to choose from, based on your child’s orthodontic problems that require treatment.
To schedule your first visit with us, simply fill out our online appointment request form or give our Burien or West Seattle orthodontic offices a call. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Boy brushing teeth in bathroom

Regular vs. Electric Toothbrushes: Which is Better for Your Teeth?

We hear this question time and again from our patients: should I get a manual or electric toothbrush? Is there really a difference? Which one is better for my teeth if I’m wearing braces? To try to find an answer, let’s explore the difference between manual and electric toothbrushes a little more.


Powered vs. Unpowered Toothbrushes


Manual toothbrushes have the advantage of familiarity and simplicity, and make no mistake: with proper brushing technique, you can take great care of your teeth with a regular toothbrush. So long as you brush properly with a fresh manual toothbrush for a full 2 minutes, twice a day, your teeth will be in great shape. Not to mention, manual toothbrushes are easier to transport, require no batteries or charging, and are very difficult to break. That said, they do require more work when brushing, and without proper brushing technique they can be far less effective. Additionally, there’s no way to time how long you brush with them unless you set a timer – without that, you’re just guessing.


Electric toothbrushes, on the other hand, often come with all the bells and whistles. They deliver more results with less work, often include 2 minute timers so you know how long to brush, and have been shown to remove more plaque and debris than manuals. However, electric toothbrushes need to be charged, are more fragile and difficult to transport, and carry a hefty price tag.


So which is best? Ultimately, it’s up to you. Both have pros and cons and both can keep your teeth clean and healthy – it’s just a matter of whether you value simplicity or convenience more.


Contact Your West Seattle Orthodontist


Have more questions about taking care of your teeth? We’re always happy to talk. Feel free to call us at 206.244.7800 for our Burien office or 206.932.4577 for our West Seattle office, reach out to us at our contact page, or use our easy online form to schedule an appointment at either of our offices. We can’t wait to hear from you, and we hope to see you back at this blog for more tips and info on keeping your teeth healthy and clean!

adult woman with braces

How Flex Spending Can Help You With Orthodontic Care

Our West Seattle and Burien, WA orthodontist and his team at Peralta Orthodontics never want finances to stand in the way of our patients getting the orthodontic care they need. That is why our practice offers several options for paying for the orthodontic services we provide.


What is Flex Spending?


A flexible spending account, or FSA, is a popular benefit option offered by many employers that allows participants to avoid taxation on money spent for health care and dependent care expenses. At the time of hiring or during the open enrollment period, employees may elect to set aside a portion of their pay for a given year into a FSA.


If you have a FSA through your employer, funds from that account can be used to cover the cost of orthodontic care that your dental insurance plan might not cover. The current law allows individuals with FSAs to set aside $2,550 per year. However, families can stretch these benefits because the maximum applies per employee, per plan and not per tax return or household. So if both parents are working, each can set aside $2,550 for a total of $5100 and use the money to cover out-of-pocket medical expenses (including orthodontic care) for themselves, each other and their children.


How We Work with FSAs


Under most plans, you will lose your FSA money if you don’t use it at the end of the year, although $500 of unused funds may be rolled over into the following year. We regularly work with flexible spending accounts and can set up a payment plan that can be structured over the course of 2 to 3 years (if applicable to the treatment plan) to help you get the most out of your tax-advantaged FSA account.


For more information on your payment options at Peralta Orthodontics, visit our Office Policies page. If you have any questions about paying for orthodontic care using your FSA funds, please contact us as we’re always happy to help!

teenage girl smiling

Permanent Retainers: The Good, The Bad & The Beautiful

The Good…

Research has demonstrated that teeth are more than likely to move after orthodontic treatment if retainers are not used to maintain tooth position and worn as directed.  In fact, even without ever having had orthodontic treatment, many people will experience shifting of their teeth over their lifetime.  While the use of removable retainers helps to prevent relapse, for certain people with certain occlusions, the lower front teeth may still shift long after the braces are removed.  For this reason, Dr. Peralta typically recommends a permanent retainer, or a metal wire that is bonded to the front six teeth with the same material that holds braces on teeth.  It can remain on the teeth for many years without being noticed as long as good oral hygiene practices are maintained.  It is considered to be highly effective and the most successful of all retainers.

The Bad….

Although it may sound like a perfect solution, it should be noted that there are some disadvantages to having a permanent retainer.


  • One such factor is that the area around the bar needs to be cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis. This means using your toothbrush at different angles and flossing with a floss threader daily to keep your gum tissue happy.
  • Another disadvantage is that the permanent retainer can easily break off the teeth if care is not used when biting into foods with your front teeth.  Hard, sticky and chewy foods should be avoided with this area of the mouth to prevent costly repairs to the retainer.
  • Additionally, some patients report discomfort with their tongue coming into contact with the retainers on a regular basis, but this often dissipates with time.

& The Beautiful Results…

The benefits of a permanent retainer tend to outweigh the drawbacks for most of our patients, but it ultimately comes down to personal preference and Dr. Peralta’s recommendation.  Be aware that even if you choose to have a permanent retainer, it is still very important to wear removable retainers on both the upper and lower arches to prevent orthodontic relapse! If you have any questions about retainers or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact one of our Seattle-area orthodontic offices in Burien or West Seattle.

girl lacrosse player wearing mouthguard

Playing Sports with Braces? Wear a Mouthguard!

Now that spring is here, many of our patients are preparing to play spring sports like baseball, softball, and lacrosse. This is a great time for us to remind those of you wearing braces that it’s very important to wear protective mouthguards when you’re playing contact sports or whenever you’re taking part in any activity that can lead to a mouth injury.


April is National Facial Protection Month in the United States. This is when dentists and other healthcare providers team up to raise public awareness about facial and mouth injuries and to remind athletes, coaches, parents and caregivers of the importance of wearing protective mouthguards to safeguard the mouth and teeth against injuries. Because mouthguards have been proven to significantly lower the risk of oral injuries, mouthguards should be worn by all athletes playing sports.


The Best Mouthguard To Use


There are special mouthguards available both online and off which are made specifically for people wearing braces. These orthodontic mouthguards fit right over your braces to provide your appliances, mouth and teeth with protection against blows or strikes to the face. Some good brands to look for are ShockDoctor and UnderArmour orthodontic mouthguards. Our West Seattle orthodontist, Dr. Jorge Peralta, is more than happy to help you find the right mouthguard to use, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need some assistance.


We do not recommend using the ready-to-wear and “boil & bite” mouthguards found at pharmacies and sporting goods stores as these mouthguards do not fit over braces well nor do they provide ample protection against injuries.


The last thing you want to happen is to have to make an emergency appointment with our West Seattle orthodontist because your braces need to be repaired or replaced due to an injury you sustained while playing sports without a mouthguard. Mouthguards are inexpensive and essential pieces of sporting gear that should be worn while both on the practice field and during regulation play.

hand putting money into piggy bank

How to Save On Braces and Other Orthodontic Care

Undergoing orthodontic treatment is an investment both in terms of time and money. At Peralta Orthodontics, we strive to provide our patients with affordable, high quality orthodontic care using the latest available technology and orthodontic techniques. If you’re considering seeing a Seattle orthodontist for braces, the cost of braces is surely something you’ve thought about. Here are a few tips that can help you save on braces and other orthodontic care so your finances don’t get in the way of you achieving a straight and beautiful new smile.


Choose a Less Costly Treatment Method


Thanks to so many advances made in the field of orthodontics, there are now many different types of braces to choose from. Of course, your West Seattle orthodontist will have the final say in what type of braces you can wear based on your particular orthodontic problem, but you may have several types of appliances from which to choose.


With these different types of braces come different prices. For instance, conventional metal braces cost less than clear removable aligners. Braces that fit on the backside of the teeth (lingual braces) are more costly than conventional braces, as are braces featuring sliding-door bracket technology. So if you’re given a choice and you wish to save money, choose the least expensive type of appliances.


Begin Treatment Early


Treating some orthodontic issues early can help avoid more complicated treatment later that can end up costing significantly more. If you think your child needs orthodontic treatment, don’t delay on taking him or her in for an evaluation. This way, we can identify any problems early on and treat them before they become bigger, more expensive problems.


Ask Your Orthodontist About Payment Plan Options


Many orthodontists offer payment plan options, so don’t forget to ask. Peralta Orthodontics offers a no-interest, in-house payment plan that allows you to pay in person at your monthly visits, through the mail or set up as an automatic payment through our secure server.


Look into Other Payment Options


Many insurance companies offer partial coverage for orthodontic treatment. Check with your insurance provider to see if it covers orthodontic treatment. If you have a health savings account or flexible spending account, your orthodontist may work with these accounts. It is possible that a payment plan can be structured over the course of two to three years to better utilize your tax-advantaged accounts.


Follow All Instructions Your Orthodontist Gives You


It is important to follow all the instructions your Seattle orthodontist gives you. For instance, you will be told to avoid braces-busting foods like hard, crunchy and chewy foods. If you do eat something you shouldn’t, you may need to pay the cost of replacing broken wires, bands or brackets. The same thing goes with retainers. If you don’t take good care of your retainer and it breaks or you lose it, a new one will have to be made for you, which will cost you money.


Contact Your West Seattle Orthodontist


If you have any questions about the cost of orthodontic treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us as we’re always happy to help! Peralta Orthodontics never wants finances to stop you from obtaining the orthodontic care you need. We offer many payment options, accept many types of insurance and have some financing options available to help make getting the treatment you need possible.